HIMYM citat

- "We can't sneak her in, we are not ninjas"
"Oh God, I wish we were ninjas"

-"I don't wanna get married in the woods like squirrels"

-"If that dude can bang a nine, I have to be able to bang a sixteen."
  "What's a sixteen?"
  "Those two eights over there"

-"This night is going to be de.... wait for it... lightful. Delightful"

-"Last night I ate the best cake of my life. Am I Gonna let that cake be and just remember the cake? NO! I'm gonna find out who made that cake, and damn it, I'm gonna eat more cake!"

-"I just hooked up with that girl last night, I'm not gonna call her the next day. I gotta have to wait at least until..... never. I'm not gonna call her. WHADDUP!?

-"And this is the best part: Just because I told her I just converted all my money in to India money she gave me 50 dollars for a cab. That's right, I just got paid for sex." 

Gissa vad jag tittar på för serie nu :)

Peace out <3


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